
While my brother and I cooked dinner, Meatloaf and gravy decided to keep themselves occupied…



20130807-000053.jpg ‘What do you mean “drop my sock”? I don’t think I understand those words. I am going to go back to play with this fun thing I found on the floor in your room, dad.’


Today is being used to catch up on sleep, laundry, clean house, unpack the car, and watch a little day time tv! Ricki Lake is currently on, and we are all cuddling on the couch listening to this guy talk about beating cancer by changing his diet. And that is why I’m vegan. Inspiring!



I got back last night (or should I say this morning? It was 3 AM!) from my nine day road trip to Florida with my best friend. All the dogs were so happy to see me and it took me about an hour to calm everyone down enough for us to all go to sleep… Which was right about the time for my brother to come home from being out and get everyone up and excited again. Typical!

20130805-073534.jpg currently I have three dogs sleeping under this blanket with me… All touching me, all happy I am home. (Please ignore the clothes hanging out of my dresser in the background. Today is a cleaning and laundry day). 🙂

Spring Cleaning.

I spent Saturday cleaning the house from top to bottom. I mean ALL of Saturday. From 8 AM until 11 PM. I swept, vacuumed, mopped, and dusted. I did dishes, cleaned the bathroom, and organized my room. I did laundry – TONS of laundry; my clothes, all my bedding, the dog beds, all their blankets, the pillow and couch covers, and towels! I cleaned the bird cage, and even moved furniture to get behind and under things!

The house looks and smells so clean! The best part? Seeing how happy everyone was with all their clean beds and blankets 🙂


I wash them on a regular basis because, well come on, anyone who has dogs know they get stinky and gross and are always covered in dog hair. But this time was so funny because I think Meatloaf thought they were new beds! I washed the covers, and took the beds outside to air out in the sun. When I brought them back in, he was so excited I could barely get them in their corner before he was getting comfy. And both Oscar and Bear love when I bring anything out of the dryer – my clothes, towels… Oscar jumps right in the laundry basket! So when I brought up nice clean warm blankets both him and Bear were very content.

Gravy, on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. She is scared of the vacuum. She didn’t understand why I was moving furniture. She didn’t like that I locked her in my bedroom when I was mopping the rest of the house. She’s so funny. That is why I have no pictures of her.


It’s gorgeous out and getting hotter by the minute and I am in the house COOKING! I know, I know, I’m crazy, but I have been doing so well at making my dinner and taking left overs for lunch and eating so good since becoming a vegan. I wasn’t able to make food this weekend and so I bought a bunch of fresh veggies and am making up all sorts of things for lunches and dinner for the week. I technically should be working on school stuff today, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. Soon.

Whenever I am in the kitchen though, not too far away are the dogs…

We keep a baby gate up (two actually since Oscar has figured out how to open one) and so they all stand at the gate waiting to see if I share anything with them. I gave them each a green bean. Meatloaf ate his, Gravy spit hers out, and Oscar ate his and Gravy’s. 🙂


FINALLY, it’s spring!!

And because I live in a city that doesn’t understand what that means, the weather here is, to say the least, unpredictable. One day it’s 40 degrees, then it’s raining, then it’s in the 70s. It snowed like two weeks ago! Spring is crazy!

Today I got home and since it was so nice out, the house is 80 degrees. The dogs aren’t too happy about that… Hot puppies!


Pardon the Oscar Butt in the corner of the photo… But what an adorable butt, right?!


I guess I should ignore the fact that she is totally messing up my couch cushions, (which now stay looking that way since she loves laying on them like that) and just be happy she is at least attempting to be friends with the little dogs.


Surprisingly enough Oscar was trying to play with her right before these photos were taken. But then she got a little too crazy and swatted him with her ginormous paw and he was done. Bear, on the other hand, was laying nicely on the back of the couch cushion minding his own business when the moose came running up and just laid down… Almost on top of him! Oscar jumped up. And for about twenty second they appeared to be friends.


Happy Easter to all! The Easter Bunny was good to my ‘kids’ this year, bringing a few new toys and everyone got a carrot treat. We played with (or should I say destroyed) everything for a while.

Then we decided to relax on the couch, which in my house means everyone try to sit in mom’s lap and not take advantage of the huge couch that she specifically bought so everyone can fit on it at the same time…

As you can see, Bear is on the back of the couch, gravy has squeezed in between me and Meatloaf, and Oscar? Well, he is growling nicely under the blanket right next to Meatloaf. He apparently also does not like the fact that we are all so close together on the big couch, though he is not in any rush to move.

Hope everyone finds lots of goodies in your Easter basket!