Chicago Blackhawks.

The Chicago Blackhawks are on their way to winning the Stanley Cup… And while watching the game last night, I was packing for my upcoming trip to Vegas. I took a moment to sit, text, and apparently be the resting spot for a 75 lbs pit bull.

I always feel bad moving the dogs when they lay on me… Or by me… Any time that would require them to shift really. I don’t know why either, they don’t seem to care when I move and they have to move but I still feel bad. This time, I was needing to do other things, like continue to pack, however a reason to just sit and watch the game was a nice. I do wish, though, he did NOT weigh 75 lbs!


I guess I should ignore the fact that she is totally messing up my couch cushions, (which now stay looking that way since she loves laying on them like that) and just be happy she is at least attempting to be friends with the little dogs.


Surprisingly enough Oscar was trying to play with her right before these photos were taken. But then she got a little too crazy and swatted him with her ginormous paw and he was done. Bear, on the other hand, was laying nicely on the back of the couch cushion minding his own business when the moose came running up and just laid down… Almost on top of him! Oscar jumped up. And for about twenty second they appeared to be friends.


I helped my friend get two baby dumbo rats from a friend of mine who breeds them. Seriously, these guys are the cutest things ever and sooo sweet.

I really wish I was able to get a couple rats however Meatloaf thinks they are snacks so I wouldn’t want my rats fearing they would become a meal their whole life. Maybe once my brother and the beasts move out….



I mean, how adorable are they?!


I have a couch that has an attached chase. Clearly plenty of room for me plus four dogs (two big and two little)… So can someone please tell me why all four dogs are touching me right now!?! Bear is on the back cushion, on my shoulder. Oscar is sleeping between me and the arm if the couch. Meatloaf is sleeping next to me with his butt on my leg. And Gravy, is sleeping on top of me and Meatloaf.

It’s a bit crowded here!

Puppy Butt.

Sleeping with a puppy can be a pain in the butt… And then some times they are just so good at cuddling or just look so cute that you forget how much of a pain in the butt they are! Take tonight for example:

20130126-234820.jpg (pardon the puppy butt!)

I mean, how cute is she?!

Sweet dreams to all our two-legged and four-legged friends out there!