
I took off work today because I have to take Bear to the vet to get his teeth cleaned. They put them under, and it’s a whole ordeal so I want to be home when they say I can come get him because I know he’s scared to death there and I don’t want him to stay any longer than he has to.

It was almost like he knew something was up this morning though, he kept faking going to sleep, wouldn’t look at me, didn’t want to cuddle…


My brother came with and we finished getting Gravy all her needed things. She is bat-shit crazy. It will so nice when she is out of this puppy phase… She was basically bouncing off the walls! Thank goodness for treats too; Eric held her, I gave her yummies so she didn’t even realize she was getting shots at the same time! She was good in the truck ride over though. So that’s something, right?
